Our Partners

Mr. Mahesh G. Agrawal (F.C.A., A.C.S, B.com)
Qualified as CA in the Year 2001
Managing Partner of the firm at Aurangabad
Specialized in Audit, Taxation & Project Financing
Email ID: maheshagrawal@adpca.in
He is the senior most partner of the firm qualified in the year 2001. He is also a member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is having two years work experience with India's leading Mumbai based Chartered Accountants Firm.
His area of practice includes Project Financing – assisting the clients in minimizing the financial cost and management consultancy specifically in relation to Inventory Management.
His strength lies in maintaining integrity and delivering client satisfying services. His vision is to transform the entire practice into a platform of quality driven service industry. He has held leadership roles and has been in the forefront in articulating group philosophy and values and believes in a team building approach.
Mr. Kavit Poddar (B.Com, F.C.A., DISA)
Qualified as CA in the Year 2002
Managing Partner of the firm at Pune
Specialized in Indirect Taxes & Management Consultancy Services
Email ID: kavitpoddar@adpca.in
A member of ICAI since 2003 also qualified the 'Diploma in Information and System Audit'.
He has experience in audit and management consultancy services with specialization in preparing and vetting of business plans, system developments under computerized environment advising on software recruitment and corporate auditing and taxation.
He is actively involved in conducting VAT Audits, Vat related compliances for all the clients at Pune. Also he involves himself for audits of Banks and CAG's and other internal audits of Companies and Financial Institutions. Moreover he looks after the complete office procedures and systems at Pune office.
Mr. Pankaj Agrawal (B.Com, F.C.A. DISA)
Qualified as CA in the Year 2003
Managing Partner of the firm at Akola
Specialized in Subsidies & Bank Finance
Email ID: pankajagrawal@adpca.in
His main area of practice includes Auditing, Taxation & Management Consultancy Services. He is having expert knowledge in MVAT. He is regularly handling Assessments, appeal matters at Tribunal Level. He is also having good experience in audit of clients under various statutory enactments such as Income Tax Audit, Companies Act, Co-operative Societies Act etc.
He is currently the secretary of Akola Branch of WIRC of ICAI. He had also participated as Speakers at Various seminars held by Akola Branch of WIRC of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
He believes in Team Work and is very dedicated for quality service to the people at large.
Mr. Yogesh Poddar (F.C.A., M.com)
Qualified as CA in the Year 2003
Managing Partner of the firm at Pune
Specialized in Direct Taxes, Company Matters and Audits.
Email ID: yogeshpoddar@adpca.in
Having experience of more than a decade he has gained very vast experience in bank audits. He is having expert knowledge in framing Internal Control systems for various industries. Has vast experience in internal audits, internal control, systems and procedures and providing expert advice and recommendations on systems and procedures.
He strongly beliefs in applying perfect systems in the organizations which has enabled him to set up accounting systems and controls for newly starting up or an on going organizations.
He is actively involved in Pune Camp CPE Study Circle in Pune and was the Conveyor of Pune Camp CPE Study Circle.
Mr. Sanjay Makhija (F.C.A, DISA, B.Com)
Qualified as CA in the Year 2011
Completed his Article ship from ADP and joined as Full Time Partner at Aurangabad
Specialized in GST Filings & Audits
Email ID: sanjaymakhija@adpca.in
He is a fellow member with bachelors degree in commerce. He has completed his Articleship from our firm and joined as partner at our Aurangabad branch office. He has gained experience in tax audits, Vat audits and had good knowledge in direct as well as indirect taxation. Also He had good experience in bank audits and internal Audits.
Mr. Ganesh Agrawal (F.C.A, B.Com)
Qualified as CA in the Year 2012
Completed his Article ship from ADP and joined as Full Time Partner at Pune
Specialized in GST Filings & Audits
Email ID: ganeshagrawal@adpca.in
He has completed his Article ship from our firm and joined as partner at Pune. He has a good experience in tax audits, vat audits and other allied laws. He has a very good experience in bank audits. He also has the experience of handling internal audits and implementation of systems at various levels of the organization. He is very well versed with the information systems and believes in using various computer aided tools for conducting the audits and for analysis.
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